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Coffee is a Vitamin

Caffeine is Not a Drug Its a Vitamin
Caffeine is Not a Drug Its a Vitamin

Coffee is a Vitamin

Coffee is a Vitamin. One cup of coffee has enough Niacin, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin B2, B5 and Manganese you need in a day.

Coffee is a Vitamin
Coffee is a Vitamin

Coffee is a Vitamin

Coffee is a Vitamin. Almost every day, at least 2 billion cups of coffee are being consumed in all parts of the world. The United States of America – the world’s largest consumer of coffee – is responsible for 400 million cups of coffee consumption.

Coffee is a vitamin
Coffee is a vitamin

Coffee is one of the most popular hot beverages in the world today, there are actually a lot more things that would surprise you about coffee. Here’s a list of interesting facts about coffee that most of us aren’t aware:

  • Goats and Coffee

According to history, the energizing effect of coffee was first discovered by goats in Ethiopia. The story tells us that an Ethiopian shepherd was the first to find out about the caffeinating power of a coffee bean. This happened after his goats have eaten it and started dancing and prancing.

  • Jampacked Nutrients

Some people say that coffee drinking is harmful to one’s health. However, did you know that one cup of coffee contains several nutrients? According to experts, a cup of coffee has enough Niacin, Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B5 and Manganese you need in a day.

So don’t skip your coffee drink in the morning, and if you are quite in a hurry, you can always put it on an insulated stainless steel water bottle and bring it with you.

Coffee is a Vitamin

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  • Anti-Alzheimer’s Disease
Coffee is a vitamin
Coffee is a vitamin

In a study conducted by scientific experts, regular coffee drinkers are said to less likely have Alzheimer’s disease and even dementia. People who drink more than 4 cups of coffee in a day are also less likely to suffer from liver cirrhosis. Think about all the good health effects you can get from drinking coffee in a regular basis.

  • England’s Coffee History
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England was among the first countries in Europe to have coffee. However in 1675, during the reign of King Charles II, coffee shops around the country were almost banned. The king feared that his subjects were using the place to concoct rebellion against his rule. He then decreed a law to ban coffee shops across the country, but it was later lifted after a public outcry.

These are just some of the most amazing facts about coffee that not all are aware of. The next time you are feeling tired, sleepy, and exhausted, remember that a cup of coffee can keep you energized. Because Coffee is a Vitamin :-).

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/923936

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